Authentic Digital Product Creation graphic with blue squares

Increase Sales in

Asset Management

Asset Management is a particular area, but we have the knowledge and skills to help you increase your sales. Check our case studies.

We support global leaders

Our most popular services
How does it work
The Process of Digital Transformation
What would be the main steps of our cooperation?
Product evaluation
We check what is possible, how the product can evolve and how to increase its sales. The main task is to figure out how to support your Sales Department.
Product demo
If you have a digital product and sell it to other companies, you may find it challenging to describe all its functionalities without a proper example. We can help you create a product demo with a white-labelling feature so you can easily adapt it to your potential client.
Integration of tools
A lack of integration between sales and marketing tools can result in inconsistent messaging and a disjointed customer experience, potentially reducing conversion rates. Moreover, delays in marketing campaigns launch can affect the timing and momentum of sales efforts. We will deliver tools integrating the sales process, beginning with the Marketing Qualified Lead.
IT Support for Marketing & Sales
We won't leave you with a system—if you need our support, we will help your Marketing Department bloom! We know technology can be overwhelming - let us take care of this part.
Our stories

How the design system empowered the sales team

Calastone, the largest global funds network, aims to revolutionise the funds industry by automating and digitalising the global investment funds marketplace. With over 4,000 clients in 55 countries, the company processes £250 billion of investment value each month.

We have the pleasure of working closely with Calastone on a daily basis, assisting them in transforming their ideas into reality. Our primary focus is ensuring that Calastone's product meets the highest standards of quality and that its users are satisfied with it.

See the full case study


Recognizing Calastone's specific needs for displaying financial parameters, we innovated a multi-level table design. This design seamlessly integrated data from various sources, enabling more effective analysis and data correlation. Furthermore, we established a new design system, setting the foundation for design and development standards in future Calastone products.


By evaluating Calastone's existing system, we provided a fresh perspective that identified and addressed visual challenges. We improved the user experience by designing intuitive user-flows, charts, and tables,. These enhancements optimised the way financial information is presented and analysed, facilitating better decision-making for users.

JP Morgan project with a message

How new features increased sales conversion

A well-crafted user interface can demystify the intricate market of mutual funds, providing clarity and ease for users. This supports confident decisions, boosting user engagement and significantly enhancing sales conversion rates - precisely what the J.P. Morgan Digital Department had to achieve.

Authentic Digital managing partners

Kamil Zawadzki

Technology & Resourcing

Jack Plociennik

Business & Design

Our work

We were part of a team that created a solution for HSBC.

I want to start my digital transformation

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