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Authentic Digital Deployment screens with Watfo software application

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Deployment with our expert team

Deployment is the process of taking a software application from development to production. We configure and test the software to make sure it runs smoothly in the target environment. We constantly collaborate with you to make sure the launch will be successful. Effective deployment also involves us continuously monitoring the product to address any issues or bugs that arise.


What are the benefits of Deployment stage?

Product Availability

Deployment ensures that the developed software or IT solution is made available for use by end-users, making it accessible to its intended audience and providing value to stakeholders.

User Access and Adoption

It allows users to access and start using the product, facilitating user adoption. This is crucial for gathering real-world feedback, identifying potential improvements, and ensuring the product aligns with user needs and expectations.

Market Responsiveness

The efficient deployment will enable you to respond promptly to market demands with your digital product. We will make sure it stays competitive and addresses evolving user requirements.

Authentic Digital J.P. Morgan screens with user interface

How new features increased sales conversion

A well-crafted user interface can demystify the intricate market of mutual funds, providing clarity and ease for users. This supports confident decisions, boosting user engagement and significantly enhancing sales conversion rates - precisely what the Digital Department had to achieve.

Discover the power of process in driving successful Deployment
Understand how our expertise can pave the way to your successful delivery.
Finalizing the release plan, preparing deployment documentation, coordinating with stakeholders, and ensuring that all prerequisites for deployment, such as hardware and software requirements, are met.
The actual deployment of your digital product. This includes installing the application, configuring settings, and migrating data. Following the release plan meticulously is essential to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition.
After deployment, we conduct testing to confirm that the software works as expected in the live environment.
Monitoring & Maintenance
We observe the deployed system to identify and address any issues that may arise. Additionally, this phase may involve providing support, releasing updates, and addressing user feedback to enhance the product over time.
Frequently Asked Questions

How does your team work?

We work remotely using Agile and Kanban methodologies. Our sprints are usually one or two weeks long, and the whole team is always involved in the client meeting. We also strongly believe in retrospectives, so we evaluate project success and failures and conduct the project with good communication. We don’t play the “blame game” — we always try to learn how to work better next time.

What kind of specialists do you have in your team?

Process Manager, Front-end Developers, Back-end Developers, Quality Assurance Specialist, UX/UI Designers.

What is the minimum lead time for a project?

The minimum lead time is usually one month.

What kind of project management methodology do you use?

We work in an Agile & Kanban methodology.

What is the cost range of projects you’ve worked on?

All our pricing models are based on hourly rates. The rate depends on the length, size and complexity level of the project, as well as our availability. Schedule a meeting to determine your hourly rate. [calendar]

Which industries have you worked with so far?

We’ve worked with banking businesses, fintech companies and educational institutions.

Where can I find examples of your work?

You can check our case studies here, download our SWOT Analysis PDF, and see what our clients say about our cooperation here [about us]


Product Creation

Sometimes, all you need is an idea, but with the product creation process, that idea can evolve into a great product. It may sound complicated, but we can make it simple for you!


Sales Support

Good UX and UI of your product can significantly increase the company's sales. If you're not sure how to do it, check out our work process.