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Confront your goals with
a Feedback review

The goals not always meet the reality. It’s important to gain feedback on your product’s performance.

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There’s no performance improvement without a Feedback review

What do your product’s users say? What are their experiences? Do you know if the product answers users’ needs? These fundamental questions should be addressed, but many companies tend to think they know better than the product's users.

Getting feedback is a starting point for further work on the product, but reviewing it is as important. By using the right tools, we will make sure you understand how your product is received and what has to be done to upgrade it.


What are the benefits of Feedback review stage?

Skillfully gathered feedback on your product's performance

The first step is to really get to the bottom of users’ experience with the product. It’s important to gather feedback from users using the right tools and methodology. It’s not only about “what”, but also “how” - how do we collect information about the user experience and how do we interpret it?

Testing your assumptions

After analysis of the feedback, you can easily confront your assumptions and see if they match the information gathered from the product’s users. Many companies assume they know their product best and know what are its main advantages and disadvantages, but the main source of information should be the user. Always.

Gaining data for reporting

All the gathered data can be transformed into a consistent report so that the entire team understands the next steps we will take to address the feedback and, in consequence, make the product better. P.S.: Google Analytics is not always the best tool to analyse your product performance.

Authentic Digital Schooltracs desktop with management system on screens

How a tailor-made solution contributed to company scalability

Modernization of the management system and the introduction of a franchising module elevated the brand's visibility & fostered its scalability. Such an approach significantly enhanced brand presence in a competitive marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does your team work?

We work remotely using Agile and Kanban methodologies. Our sprints are usually one or two weeks long, and the whole team is always involved in the client meeting. We also strongly believe in retrospectives, so we evaluate project success and failures and conduct the project with good communication. We don’t play the “blame game” — we always try to learn how to work better next time.

What kind of specialists do you have in your team?

Process Manager, Front-end Developers, Back-end Developers, Quality Assurance Specialist, UX/UI Designers.

What is the minimum lead time for a project?

The minimum lead time is usually one month.

What kind of project management methodology do you use?

We work in an Agile & Kanban methodology.

What is the cost range of projects you’ve worked on?

All our pricing models are based on hourly rates. The rate depends on the length, size and complexity level of the project, as well as our availability. Schedule a meeting to determine your hourly rate. [calendar]

Which industries have you worked with so far?

We’ve worked with banking businesses, fintech companies and educational institutions.

Where can I find examples of your work?

You can check our case studies here, download our SWOT Analysis PDF, and see what our clients say about our cooperation here [about us]


Product Creation

Sometimes, all you need is an idea, but with the product creation process, that idea can evolve into a great product. It may sound complicated, but we can make it simple for you!


Sales Support

Good UX and UI of your product can significantly increase the company's sales. If you're not sure how to do it, check out our work process.